Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

zona ossis irregularis

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Level 3 zona ossis Short Extended
Current level zona ossis irregularis
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
24011 11259
zona ossis irregularis
zone of irregular bone
52889 13520
zona ossis ethmoidalis
zone of ethmoid
57450 16228
zona labyrinthi ethmoidalis
zone of ethmoidal labyrinth
57456 11222 part
concha nasi
concha of nose
57457 633 part
concha nasalis suprema
supreme nasal concha
57458 634 part
concha nasalis superior
superior nasal concha
57459 635 part
concha nasalis media
middle nasal concha
57487 636 part
bulla ethmoidalis
ethmoidal bulla
75769 638 part
infundibulum ethmoidale
ethmoidal infundibulum
57451 632 part
lamina orbitalis labyrinthi ethmoidalis
orbital plate of ethmoidal labyrinth
57442 625 part
crista galli
crista galli
57444 626 part
ala cristae galli
ala of crista galli
52891 627 part
lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis
perpendicular plate of ethmoid
57448 628 part
labyrinthus ethmoidalis
ethmoidal labyrinth
52890 623 part
lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis
cribriform plate
52866 13519
zona ossis sphenoidalis
zone of sphenoid
52867 491 part
corpus ossis sphenoidalis
body of sphenoid
54079 495 part
sella turcica
sella turcica
54718 499 part
dorsum sellae ossis sphenoidalis
dorsum of sella of sphenoid
54719 496 part
tuberculum sellae ossis sphenoidalis
tubercle of sella of sphenoid
54733 508 part
concha sphenoidalis
sphenoidal concha
54703 492 part
jugum sphenoidale
sphenoidal jugum ; sphenoidal yoke
54684 507 part
septum sinuum sphenoidalium
septum of sphenoidal sinuses
54757 502 part
lingula sphenoidalis
sphenoidal lingula
54770 504 part
rostrum sphenoidale
sphenoidal rostrum
54760 503 part
crista sphenoidalis
sphenoidal crest
54722 540 part
hamulus pterygoideus
pterygoid hook
54777 529 part
spina ossis sphenoidalis
spine of sphenoid
54727 537 part
processus vaginalis
vaginal process
52868 513 part
ala major
greater wing
54793 517 part
crista infratemporalis alae majoris
infratemporal crest of greater wing
52869 509 part
ala minor
lesser wing
54693 511 part
(processus clinoideus anterior )
(anterior clinoid process )
54700 497 part
(processus clinoideus medius )
(middle clinoid process )
54696 500 part
processus clinoideus posterior
posterior clinoid process
54687 532 part
lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei
lateral plate
54690 533 part
lamina medialis processus pterygoidei
medial plate
54780 543 part
processus pterygospinosus
pterygospinous process
54682 531 part
processus pterygoideus
pterygoid process
57605 13518
zona ossis lacrimalis
zone of lacrimal bone
57609 645 part
crista lacrimalis posterior
posterior lacrimal crest
57606 647 part
hamulus lacrimalis
lacrimal hook
57613 646 part
sulcus lacrimalis
lacrimal sulcus
52898 11260
zona ossis palatini
zone of palatine bone
52899 697 part
lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini
perpendicular plate of palatine bone
52901 708 part
lamina horizontalis ossis palatini
horizontal layer of palatine bone
59201 367 part
(torus palatinus )
(palatine torus )
59156 704 part
crista conchalis
conchal crest
59161 705 part
crista ethmoidalis ossis palatini
ethmoidal crest of palatine bone
52900 702 part
processus pyramidalis
pyramidal process
59143 706 part
processus orbitalis
orbital process
59146 707 part
processus sphenoidalis
sphenoidal process
75776 712 part
spina nasalis posterior ossis palatini
posterior nasal spine of palatine bone
59208 713 part
crista nasalis ossis palatini
nasal crest of palatine bone
75066 714 part
crista palatina ossis palatini
palatine crest of palatine bone
52845 13517
zona maxillae
zone of maxilla
52846 657 part
corpus maxillae
body of maxilla
52894 679 part
processus frontalis maxillae
frontal process of maxilla
75771 688 part
spina palatina maxillae
palatine spine of maxilla
75062 685 part
crista nasalis maxillae
nasal crest of maxilla
75770 666 part
spina nasalis anterior maxillae
anterior nasal spine of maxilla
65073 17032
zona processus alveolaris maxillae
zone of alveolar process of maxilla
52897 690 part
processus alveolaris maxillae
alveolar process of maxilla
75773 693 part
septum interalveolare maxillae
interalveolar septum of maxilla
317345 692 part
alveolus dentalis maxillae
dental alveolus of maxilla
327390 16882 part
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris primi
alveolus of first superior incisive tooth
327388 16883 part
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris secundi
alveolus of second superior incisive tooth
327383 16884 part
alveolus dentis canini superioris
alveolus of superior canine tooth
327397 16885 part
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris primi
alveolus of first superior premolar tooth
327398 16886 part
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris secundi
alveolus of second superior premolar tooth
327378 16887 part
alveolus dentis molaris superioris primi
alveolus of first superior molar tooth
327379 16888 part
alveolus dentis molaris superioris secundi
alveolus of second superior molar tooth
58049 16889 part
alveolus dentis molaris superioris tertii
alveolus of third superior molar tooth
75774 694 part
septum interradiculare maxillae
interradicular septum of maxilla
75775 695 part
jugum alveolare maxillae
alveolar jugum of maxilla
52826 13516
zona mandibulae
zone of mandible
52827 727 part
corpus mandibulae
body of mandible
52828 749 part
ramus mandibulae
branch of mandible
59425 22404
zona corporis mandibulae
zone of body of mandible
317348 743 part
alveolus dentalis mandibulae
dental alveolus of mandible
327391 13392 part
alveolus dentis incisivi inferioris primi
alveolus of first inferior incisive tooth
327389 13396 part
alveolus dentis incisivi inferioris secundi
alveolus of second inferior incisive tooth
327384 13400 part
alveolus dentis canini inferioris
alveolus of inferior canine tooth
327395 13404 part
alveolus dentis premolaris inferioris primi
alveolus of first inferior premolar tooth
327396 13408 part
alveolus dentis premolaris inferioris secundi
alveolus of second inferior premolar tooth
327380 13412 part
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris primi
alveolus of first inferior molar tooth
327381 13416 part
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris secundi
alveolus of second inferior molar tooth
58039 13420 part
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris tertii
alveolus of third inferior molar tooth
59430 730 part
protuberantia mentalis mandibulae
mental protuberance of mandible
52831 728 part
basis mandibulae
base of mandible
323262 17035
spina mentalis
mental spine
59432 735 part
spina mentalis superior mandibulae ; spina geni superior mandibulae
superior mental spine of mandible ; superior genial spine of mandible
59433 736 part
spina mentalis inferior mandibulae ; spina geni inferior mandibulae
inferior mental spine of mandible ; inferior genial spine of mandible
75780 738 part
(torus mandibularis )
(mandibular torus )
52832 741 part
pars alveolaris mandibulae
alveolar part of mandible
64850 742 part
arcus alveolaris mandibulae
alveolar arch of mandible
59447 744 part
septum interalveolare mandibulae
interalveolar septum of mandible
745 part
septum interradiculare mandibulae
interradicular septum of mandible
746 part
jugum alveolare mandibulae
alveolar jugum of mandible
59469 16959
zona rami mandibulae
zone of branch of mandible
59470 754 part
lingula mandibulae
lingula of mandible
52833 757 part
processus coronoideus mandibulae
coronoid process of mandible
59484 758 part
crista temporalis mandibulae
temporal crest of mandible
52836 760 part
processus condylaris mandibulae
condylar process of mandible
318957 17037
zona processus condylaris mandibulae
zone of condylar process of mandible
59331 761 part
caput mandibulae ; condylus mandibulae
head of mandible ; mandibular condyle
59332 762 part
collum mandibulae
neck of mandible
59494 13515
zona ossis hyoidei
zone of hyoid bone
59496 767 part
cornu majus ossis hyoidei
greater horn of hyoid bone
59499 766 part
cornu minus ossis hyoidei
lesser horn of hyoid bone
59495 765 part
corpus ossis hyoidei
body of hyoid bone
289655 13514
zona ossis zygomatici
zone of zygomatic bone
52904 719 part
processus temporalis ossis zygomatici
temporal process of zygomatic bone
52907 720 part
processus frontalis ossis zygomatici
frontal process of zygomatic bone
52910 721 part
tuberculum orbitale ossis zygomatici ; eminentia orbitalis ossis zygomatici
orbital tubercle of zygomatic bone ; orbital eminence of zygomatic bone
75778 722 part
(tuberculum marginale ossis zygomatici )
(marginal tubercle of zygomatic bone )
53168 723 part
foramen zygomaticoorbitale ossis zygomatici
zygomaticoorbital foramen of zygomatic bone
53169 724 part
foramen zygomaticofaciale ossis zygomatici
zygomaticofacial foramen of zygomatic bone
53170 725 part
foramen zygomaticotemporale ossis zygomatici
zygomaticotemporal foramen of zygomatic bone
85304 20919
zona vertebrae
zone of vertebra
zona processus transversi vertebrae
zone of transverse process of vertebra of vertebra
17136 part
pars lateralis processus transversi vertebrae
lateral part of transverse process of vertebra of vertebra
17137 part
pars costalis processus transversi vertebrae
costal part of transverse process of vertebra of vertebra
11945 779 part
corpus vertebrae
vertebral body
24044 10660 part
corpus axis
body of axis
13457 21038
corpus vertebrae cervicalis labii
body of typical cervical vertebra
24231 10671 part
corpus vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
body of third cervical vertebra
24781 13248 part
corpus vertebrae cervicalis quartae
body of fourth cervical vertebra
24782 13299 part
corpus vertebrae cervicalis quintae
body of fifth cervical vertebra
24783 13320 part
corpus vertebrae cervicalis sextae
body of sixth cervical vertebra
24784 13555 part
corpus vertebrae prominentis
body of vertebra prominens
9141 21039
corpus vertebrae thoracicae
body of thoracic vertebra
9166 13344 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae primae
body of first thoracic vertebra
9188 21448 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae secundae
body of second thoracic vertebra
9210 21504 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
body of third thoracic vertebra
9249 21784 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae quartae
body of fourth thoracic vertebra
9923 21560 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae quintae
body of fifth thoracic vertebra
9946 21840 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae sextae
body of sixth thoracic vertebra
9969 21616 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae septimae
body of seventh thoracic vertebra
9992 21896 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae octavae
body of eighth thoracic vertebra
10015 21672 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae nonae
body of ninth thoracic vertebra
10038 21952 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae decimae
body of tenth thoracic vertebra
10060 21728 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
10082 22008 part
corpus vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
16075 21040
corpus vertebrae lumbalis
body of lumbar vertebra
16082 22064 part
corpus vertebrae lumbalis primae
body of first lumbar vertebra
16083 22124 part
corpus vertebrae lumbalis secundae
body of second lumbar vertebra
16084 22184 part
corpus vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
body of third lumbar vertebra
16085 22244 part
corpus vertebrae lumbalis quartae
body of fourth lumbar vertebra
16086 22304 part
corpus vertebrae lumbalis quintae
body of fifth lumbar vertebra
17135 part
pars interarticularis arcus vertebrae
interarticular part of vertebral arch
151 items
299 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 11259
Number of children 298 (validated)
Number of units 151 (validated)
Signature 21319 (validated since 5.7.2024)
Date: 05.01.2025